Our Company

Universal Franchising Inc. is a full service consulting firm specializing in matching entrepreneurs with the various concepts best fitting their resources, goals, wants, needs, and skill sets.  Our services include franchising new and existing companies, franchise referrals, and the development and implementation of various training and marketing programs.  We are paid by successful referrral, so our service is of no cost to you.  A retiree, someone wanting supplemental income, a stay at-home spouse looking to "give-back," all have very different needs, and the business models fitting those needs are just as different.  The process defining the various model is UNIVERSAL.
Everyone has differing financial resources, backgrounds, and interests.  With over 3,000 franchises, representing 125 concepts, it can be an overwhelming challenge to sort through the opportunities.  Once selected, does the business model compare to what else may be there, only not yet discovered?
We at Universal Franchising can identify a narrow group of opportunities best fitting your needs, and requirements, and walk you to the front of the line, saving you valuable time, and resources.  We represent over 300 companies, covering every model and concept.  You will know that the opportunity presented fits your resources, and will be available to you in your area.  No more wondering if a particular franchise is the best one.  You will know that it's the perfect fit.
Do you have an existing business model that  you would like to expand?  Do you think franchising your operation would be too costly?  Talk to us...we can guide you through the processes of franchising your company, and letting you reap the rewards of residual income.

How we are different

Universal Franchising offers one-stop entrepreneurial expertise, from management consulting, business plan development, to sourcing of financing, as well as business or entrepreneur matching and coaching.  With a wide variety of resources, we can take an entrepreneur from business inception, financing, location, and finally operations.  Most firms, or consultants, offer only one dimensional views, whereas Universal Franchising encompasses a full array of expertise.  The principals of Universal have over 35 years combined experience with business start-ups, conversions, franchising, real estate, and operations.

Our Vision

We make finding the right recommendation matching entrepreneurs to the appropriate business model as just the initial step, just one component of a business plan.  We are a full service Company, and can assist in expansion, training, financing sourcing, and operational consulting.  Call or e-mail us, and let's see where we can help you find the right fit, the perfect fit.